Neck Fkt

Talking about new year resolutions. For the fourth time in a few weeks my neck/back is being a b*tch. I know I am just a bit too long, my posture is bad if not terrible, and I like to sit behind a computer screen a lot (also, I have to). I get through the year with some minor inconveniences, but these few weeks I apparently hit the Jackpot.

I was thinking that maybe this should be the inspiration for my new year resolutions, taking precautions to prevent this from happening again in the future. But how to tackle this incredibly vague set of symptoms?

The Four Hour Body - By Tim Ferris
Tim Ferris, the inspiring guy behind the book 'The Four Hour Workweek', has published a new book, called 'The Four Hour Body'. I haven't read it (yet) but the book is about tweaking your own body. This can sound creepy, and part of the book might actually be so. But then again, there's nothing creepy to changing your breakfast rituals to get rid of your sleeping disorder.

Self experimentation
On a meta-level (remember the meta blog post?), the book also makes a statement for self experimentation. My scientific alarm bells went off, screaming "n = 1". And I still think the translational value (to other individuals) is very low for results obtained from self experiments. However, my science background also learned me how we are all different. There's a lot of momentum now for 'personalized medicine', for instance based on ones genes. Therefore, I think the principles of experimenting (ie trying out certain treatments or therapies and observing the results, consistently) on oneself might be very useful. But where to start?

Cure Together
On the website Cure Together you can enter the 'condition(s)' you have, and fill in surveys about your complaints and the treatments you tried (and how effective they were). Then you can compare your 'profile' to others', see statistics based on the data from all users, and of course get in contact to others. Also, the site enables you to keep track of whatever personal data you want to keep track off. It sounds great, but all together I am not yet convinced it is going to be very useful. But perhaps I have to try and see past the surface!

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