Let's try to post a video! Wow, Blogger makes it freaking easy! Click video, search on Youtube, embed and done! So here's what I like as a replacement for my old Alfa. I can not afford it though :) I was never about cars, but nowadays I sometimes secretly dream about something decent to drive around in. The Alfa Romeo Giulietta keeps me motivated to get my company going. But the Alfa Romeo Giulietta is also inspiring, trying to be good in multiple areas at once (small, safe, affordable, sporty, stylish, etc) without major concessions.
Specialized or multi-disciplined?
In professional life you can roughly take two roads: specialize in one thing (know a lot about a little) or become less-than-specialized in a broad range of subjects (know a little about a lot). If you take these to extremes, you have on one hand people that know everything about nothing and on the other hand, people that know nothing about everything. Which is better?
I present you, the Alfa Giulietta :-D
Without heart, we would be mere machines
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